This post has been reviewed by our registered dietitian Celine Maetti
If you are asking the question “what is a whole food plant based diet?”, then we will explain what exactly this is and how it can benefit your health in this post. It’s worth noting that sometimes the whole foods plant based diet gets abbreviated to WFPB, which you may see more and more as you look into this lifestyle.
Whole foods means ‘whole foods’ – exactly what it says on the tin. In other words, anything that hasn’t been processed, refined, or been removed from its natural whole source.
The problem with oil on a WFBD
Whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and other low GI plant foods are great on the whole foods plant based diet.
And, there are lots of ‘healthier’ plant based oils such as olive, avocado and flax. But, these are not technically ‘whole foods’ as they have been extracted from their original source. Most of the plant based Nutritionists now promote eating your fats in as whole a form as possible, as in the whole nut or the whole olive.
Of course, as with everything in life, it’s good to find a happy medium. But, you may wish to go completely whole foods plant based for healing specifically.
Fat soluble nutrients
Certain vitamins and minerals in your food need fats for your body to be able to utilise and absorb them. These include the vitamins A, D, E and K that can found abundantly on the plant based diet when attention is paid to correct food combining.
A lot of these nutrients do already come in a fatty package of either nuts, seeds, coconut or avocados, therefore it’s not always a problem. And, these are whole foods, so all good right? But some of them (especially vitamin D and K) don’t always come naturally with fats, therefore if you have a fat-free meal containing them then you may not absorb their nutrition fully.
What The Nutritionists Say On This Subject
Whole foods plant based Nutritionists say that fruits and vegetables already naturally come perfectly packaged with all the right elements for our bodies to absorb their nutrition, and this makes absolute sense too. But, this is probably only true if we eat them in their natural state, and not heat treat or process them; or boil them to death.
Therefore, to be on the safe side you could ass a little whole foods fats to low fat meals to help obtain the most nutrition you can out of them. A couple of small cubes of avocado, a sprinkling of sesame seeds, or a few nuts on the side is probably more than enough.
So, moral of the story, it’s probably a good idea to be eating some fat (even if it’s a tiny amount) just to help with nutrient absorption. And, you can do this in the form of the whole food fat containing foods of nuts, seeds, coconuts and avocados.
Amazing Whole Food Plant Based benefits
Due to the high amounts of antioxidants that naturally occur in the whole food plant diet, it stands to reason that it can be one of the healthiest ways of eating.
Contrary to popular belief by some, you can live a perfectly healthy and happy life eating just plant foods. Plants contain all the amino acids, fiber, vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy and thriving more than an animal based diet.
Benefits You May Feel From The Whole Foods Plant Based Diet
- Increased energy
- Higher immunity
- Glowing skin
- More stable mood and hormones, including less PMS
- More clarity of mind
- Sounder sleep
- Weight loss (or sometimes weight gain depending on how you’re going about things. Please read how not to put on weight whilst eating plant based if you are having this particular problem).
- A feeling of just being ‘lighter’
- More enthusiasm and confidence to live out your dreams . Yes, a healthy body really does boost your confidence in this way too.
- Higher fitness levels. This is probably only the case if you actually do regular exercise. But, when you do, you may notice that you can get fitter quicker, can train for longer periods, and recover faster through the eating of lots of anti inflammatory plant foods. You only need to look at the recent influx of vegan athletes and body builders if you want to see testamonies to this. The old mode of thinking is definitely changing as we see more and more examples of people taking their health and fitness to another level completely.
Obtaining Protein On A Plant Based Diet
If you’re eating a whole food plant based diet and ensuring you are eating from an array of different protein sources daily, then obtaining enough protein shouldn’t be a problem. If you are muscle building or exercise a lot then your requirements may be higher still, so do bear this in mind and do the adequate research.
Obtaining an array of amino acids from your plant foods will help keep your muscle mass high (whether you’re an exerciser or not), and is vital to the functioning of a healthy body. Increased muscle mass can also have the following benefits:-
- FASTER METABOLISM – Muscle is metabolic and needs calories just to maintain itself (unlike fat). This means the more you have, the more calories you will naturally burn, even when at rest.
- PHYSICAL STRENGTH – For obvious reasons, physical strength is a plus for every aspect of daily living and helps you to move around and exercise to keep your fitness levels where they should be.
- BETTER SKIN – Muscle definition can keep your skin looking more youthful all over your body as it tightens up baggy skin and reduces the appearance of cellulite.
- ORGAN FUNCTION – Studies show that muscle mass helps with organ and endocrine function in a way that was previously unknown. The endocrine system regulates tissue function, development and growth, the reproductive system, sleep and metabolism. That’s how important it is!
- INCREASED IMMUNITY – Muscle contains immune cells and is intrinsically connected to the immune system.
This whole food plant based beginner’s guide below will show you all the macronutrients of carbohydrates, protein and fats to complete you meals.
You can also find an abundance of delicious recipes at ZestForever or in social media groups, so you should never be short of exciting new meal ideas.
You will find that you will probably love your food more than ever when you start eating whole foods plant based. This may sound strange considering you seemingly have to cut out some large food groups, but it still seems to work like this.
You will find that once you’re eating foods in their whole and natural state, your taste buds will come alive in a way they never have before. You will appreciate food for the life giving nutrition that it gives you, rather than loading up on junk or high sugar foods that actually deaden your taste buds (and your body for that matter).
Plant based macronutrients list
- Wholegrain rice
- Wholegrain pasta
- Potatoes – sweet, white, red and purple.
- Squashes of all kinds
- Certain wholewheat breads.
- Spelt
- Millet
- Amaranth
- Pearl barley
- Buckwheat
- Sweetcorn
- Root veggies such as carrot, beetroot and parsnip
- Dried fruits of all kinds – sultanas, currents, raisins, apricots, dates, goji berries, cranberries, mulberries, apple rings, prunes, blueberries. Just remember to always buy with no added sugar, oils, sulphates or preservatives as many will have these added. Always read labels (the only thing on there should be the name of the fruit itself).
- Fresh fruits – The highest carb fresh fruits are usually your tropical fruits of pineapple, mango, banana, papaya and grapes; these are naturally high in fruit sugars that will fill you up for longer. Medium sugar fruits consist of apples, peas, kiwis, passion fruit, cherries, oranges and other citrus fruits. Low sugar fruits usually come in the form of berries such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blackcurrants and redcurrants.
- Soy and whole soy products – such as tofu, tempeh, seitan and edamame beans
- Pulses – such as lentils, beans of all kinds, chickpeas, peas
- Nuts of all kinds (unsalted and un-roasted are best)
- Seeds of all kinds (unsalted and un-roasted are best)
- Quinoa
- Buckwheat
- Amaranth
- Wholegrains
- Corn
- Green vegetables such as broccoli, spring greens, Brussel sprouts, cabbage and asparagus are among the highest, but still a lot lower then the rest of this list. Try this delicious stir-fried broccoli recipe.
- Avocados
- Coconuts
- Nuts of all kinds – Pecans, Brazils, walnuts, macademia, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts
- Seeds of all kinds – Pumpkin, sunflower, chia, flax (linseed), poppy, flax, hemp seeds
- Peanut butter and other nut butters – be sure to check labels for no added sugars or oils, of which they are notorious for. A little added salt is ok if you prefer saltiness
(Why they are so important for the WFBP diet)
One thing you really need to eat a lot of on a healthy plant based diet plan is your green leafy veggies (and all other vegetables too of course for variation, but leafy should be eaten daily).
Leafy green vegetables are SO healthy and contain lots of nutrients, including high amounts of vitamins such as A, C, K, folate and calcium; not to mention fiber. ALL of which are vital to the proper functioning of your immune system, strong teeth and bones, and the formation of red blood cells.
Try to eat at least 1-2 portions of the leafy greens per day (preferable lightly steamed to keep their nutrients as in tact as possible). As your body gets more and more used to them you should start to tolerate them well, even if they make you gassy at first.
If you don’t like your greens, then please check out how to make any greens tasty for some good ways to cook them.
Don’t forget to eat some of the fats from the ‘fats list’ with your veggies for bio-availability of certain key nutrients, as explained earlier.
- Swiss chard (green leafy)
- Kale (green leafy)
- Savoy cabbage (green leafy)
- Brussel sprouts (green leafy)
- Spinach (green leafy)
- Pak choy (green leafy)
- Rocket (green leafy)
- All green salad vegetables and leaves (green leafy)
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Carrots
- Green beans
- Sugar-snap peas
- Mangetout
- Peppers
- Onions
- Beansprouts
- Garlic
- Seaweeds, chlorella, spirulina – these are important to eat everyday for omega 3 DHA, otherwise you may need to supplement.
Green superfood powders
If you find it hard to get enough vegetables in daily (especially the green, leafy kind), then you should consider a nutrition-rich green superfood shot everyday for added reassurance. These are ‘whole foods’, just powdered up and usually freeze-dried at the peak of their nutrition upon harvest.
You may not technically need these, but OMG they give you the most amazing, glowing skin. Seriously, people will notice!
Green superfoods usually come in the form of spirulina, moringa, barleygrass, wheatgrass, blue-green algaes. Or, easiest of all, just buy a blend to be sure you are getting the best of everything.
Check out our top green superfood reviews to find the best on the market.
Warning:- Be careful not to use any seaweed based superfoods if you have a fast heart rate, as it may give you palpitations due to the iodine. Or, if you find seaweed gives you palpitations in general. then you should stop taking it.
All herbs and spices are permitted on the whole foods plant based diet foods list. Not only are they permitted, but they offer all sorts of nutrition and antioxidants making them super healthful and very underestimated.
You will more than likely find that once you start this healthy way of eating, you will be using all kinds of herbs and spices to liven up your foods to help keep your taste buds alive. Use fresh, dried or frozen as it doesn’t really matter.
TOP TIP:- Fresh and frozen herbs should always go into your dish within the last few minuets of cooking to really keep that zing of fresh flavour in there; not to mention nutrients.
Dressings For Salad And Vegetables
To liven up your lunches and dinners, you can make all kinds of delicious dressings from plant foods. My favorite for a salad is a fat free lemon, balsamic and a good quality apple cider vinegar dressing. But you can make your own versions of dressings from the following wholesome foods:-
- Avocado
- Lemons
- Oranges
- Apple cider vinegar with the ‘Mother’.
- Balsamic vinegar
- Fresh herbs – good ones for a dressing are corinader, mint and basil (maybe not all together).
- Fresh garlic
- Ginger
- Tamari sauce
- Tahini
- Smooth nut butters
- Seasonings such as salt and pepper
You can go ahead and experiment with flavours as they all go pretty well together. It’s a good idea to pick one creamy base such as avocado, nut butter or tahini, then add a citrus fruit with herbs and spices. OR, go for a vinegar base with citrus fruits, herbs and spices.
If you would like to see even more amazing results with your plant based lifestyle, then you probably won’t want to be filling your body with chemical ridden tap water.
Either switch to a water filter, or use some other kind of clean water system (buying plastic bottled water just isn’t environmentally friendly, so glass is better). You can then just refill your own water bottle to take out and about with you.
You will notice another level of clear skin when you keep the water you put in your body as pure as possible (at least 80% of the time where possible).
Your Whole Food Plant Based Menu Plan Going Forward
- Make sure you always keep your foods as mixed up as possible for a good array of plant powered nutrition.
- Having carbohydrates, protein and a little fat at main meals will help keep you satiated and FULL until your next meal. It will also help to keep your blood sugar on an even keel, thus stopping you from snacking or craving carbs and sugary snacks.
- Eat a low GI breakfast to help keep your blood sugar on an even keel for the rest of the day ahead.
- Go for at least 7-10 portions of fruits and vegetables a day (it may sound hard at first, but as a plant based eater you will probably find you often go way beyond that anyway).
- Plan your meals for the week and THEN go shopping. This way you won’t come unstuck for something to cook. If you have trouble knowing what to prepare and cook, then check out our easy meal plans and shopping lists for inspiration.
- Batch cook! this makes your life so much easier, especially if you’re the only one in the household eating plant based. Doing this means you can freeze portions of soups, stews, chilis, or whatever other tasty meal you have prepared ready for another time. The link to the above meal plans also uses time saving batch cooking as its core value.
- Make your evening meal also the next day’s lunch. This works well with chilis because you can change things up and have a jacket spud or quinoa, instead of rice with it.
- Try to cook your veggies for as little a time as possible to keep nutrients intact.
- Eat LOTS of raw foods like salads, vegetable crudites (make your own humus or guacamole), fresh fruits, yummy raw desserts etc. Raw foods are full of pure nutrition and life-giving enzymes. Even a couple of days on a raw food diet makes such a difference to how you feel, and can also be the perfect weight loss boost.
- Buy as much organic and local produce as possible (or, at least as much as you can afford) to keep pesticide and fertiliser exposure to a minimum. Don’t forget, you’re going to be eating a LOT of these foods on a plant based diet, so it makes sense to try and eat as clean as possible. If nothing else, be sure to wash you fruits and veggies thoroughly. You can even soak them for a few minutes in a big bowl of water with a little vinegar added to help neutralise any chemical residues. Just be sure to wash them again thoroughly! There is also a list of fruits and vegetables that contain the least and most pesticides called ‘The dirty dozen and clean 15’ which shows you which foods you should definitely buy organic if you can, and also which you can get away with being non-organic. Read it here.
Some people begin a plant based diet for weight loss specifically. And, this could well happen if you pay attention to what your’e eating, especially when it comes to fat intake.
You may find that you will naturally eat more carbs and fats on the plant rich diet, which may actually lead to weight gain. This happened to me before I learned how to combine my foods correctly with a mix of protein, healthy whole fats, and complex carbohydrates in the form of wholegrains and starchy vegetables.
There are some great foods that contain ALL of the above that you should try and eat every day if possible. Not only do they contain all of the above, but they also offer a great amino acid profile too. These include:-
- BUCKWHEAT – Buy the flour for you baking and make tasty pancakes. Use the grouts for toasting and adding to homemade granolas to make them much higher in protein. Check out our fantastic metabolism boosting granola recipe if you want a tasty and healthy start to your day.
- QUINOA – An amazing seed that is used in a grain like fashion as a substitute for rice. Or, as a side dish to replace either carbs or protein in a meal. Also comes in flakes for porridge, or flours for cooking and baking. Contains healthful omaga 3 fatty acids for brain health.
- SOY – Tempeh, seitan and tofu are all soy based products that are often found in abundance on plant based eating plans. This is due to the fact that they are one of the closest substitutes to dairy products, both nutritionally and taste wise. You will find them in meat-free meats, sausages, burgers, chickenless nuggets, minced, yogurts, cheeses, milks and many more processed products. It’s probably one of the most versatile plant foods. But, do remember that a lot of processed foods are from processed soy, which is not a ‘whole food’. To keep it as healthy and whole as possible, you should just buy the plain, organic tofu block and work with that to create your own delicious dishes.
- AMARANTH – An ancient seed that has been cultivated for thousands of years and used as a flour, rice substitute, or often seen popped in breakfast cereals. It is high protein and abundant in nutritional benefits.
- HEMP – Hemp is getting more and more attention these days, and for good reason. It is highly nutritious, contains ALL 9 essential amino acids in good ratios, and also omega 3 fatty acids. You can buy the tasty little seeds to eat as a snack or breakfast topping. Or buy it in a whole foods powder form and use in your protein shakes, baked products, or raw homemade protein bars or balls.
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There’s no doubt about it, the plant based diet can change your life.
Once you have an understanding of your basic plant food groups, and a few favorite go-to recipes under your belt, you will find things will get easier and you’ll never look back.
THEN when you start to look and feel great, you will have yet another impetus to carry on. OR, maybe even convince family and friends to give it a go too.
In fact, you won’t even need to convince anyone as people will just notice the change in your appearance and personality and will ask you why you look so well and seem so happy. And, of course you can tell them as unsmugly as you can why you look so fabulous.
If you would like a selection of our favorite whole foods plant based recipes, please download it here.
Thank you for visiting ZestForever for your source of information about the plant based diet.
We always thoroughly do our research and have our posts reviewed by Registered Nutritionists and Dietitians to bring you the most up to date, science based information in the industry.
I enjoyed reading your in-depth article. It’s very engaging and filled with your personal experiences. This is important for the people you are trying to help. Your experiences through trial and error over the years have given you a great insight into what works for you that could also work well for others. Your pictures are relevant to your text and your content is superb. After reading your post, I may very well look deeper into following a plan that would benefit my health!
Hi Carson, that’s awesome that I have inspired you to look more deeply into healthy eating. Honestly, hearing these kind of comments is the very reason I started this blog in the first place!
I try to make my article both in-depth but not too long and boring at the same time. I don’t want people to switch off and never come back. And the fact that I live it myself really helps me to give good quality information and advice.
I would be very happy to assist you further if you decide to make the change to a more plant based way of life. Good luck!
Hello, what a filling article! The information is detailed; pardon the pun, but there is a lot to digest in it. I’m wondering how much more expensive this diet would be than the whatever diet that I’m on. Grocery store fruit is flavorless, anymore, and I’m still trying to figure out the best place to buy it around here.
Also, why smoothe nut butters? My oldest son and I prefer the extra crunchy variety.
I agree wholeheartedly about the water.
Thanks for posting this!
Hi Cathy,
I understand the expense side of eating a plant based diet, but I honestly believe that it can come down to factors like where you live. I have found that in general it’s either cheaper of the same as my other diet; I know this because I have been logging it closely. In my local supermarket they always do great deals on fruit and veg, and I agree, it can be tasteless but it’s still way healthier than not eating it I guess.
I also have an inexpensive organic veg box delivered one a a week from a local farm, and that’s never tasteless so I guess i’m lucky there. I guess when you want to do it you you find a way to make it work 🙂
As for the peanut butter thing, I have never tried a smoothie with crunchy nut butter, but thinking about it it probably is actually delicious so I will give it a go next time and maybe amend the post. Thanks for pointing it out!
It’s good to see quality information on plant based foods. My wife was vegan for a little while so she didn’t use any oils. She felt a lot better and lost a few pounds. I plan to show her this and I’m sure she will love it. Good job!
Thanks Tommy, it’s great your wife knows how healthy this way ovceating can be and the difference it makes to health. Sometimes we fall of the who ha ha, I have. Anyway, I hope she gets back on track, if she want to of course.
hi Stephanie
great In-depth article with very Interesting Information. I am slightly overweight and I was looking for ways to reduce my weight. Your Information about foods and diet plus the Information about vegetables Is Impressive… Keep up the good work From Ronald
ps: I will share on facebook.
Hi Ronald, thanks so much for sharing! Really appreciate it.
You may find the plant based diet really helpful if you’re trying to lose weight as it involves cutting out all refined junk foods and free sugars. Doing this alone should result in weight loss.
Good luck, and feel free to let me know if you need further assistance.
Hey Stefanie!
Back again, commenting. I just wanted to say that I shopped a bit healthier at the grocery store with your list in mind. Instead of white rice, I brought brown. And I got some peppers, which usually I skip. One thing at a time, right?
I also bought some protein powder. Should you work out while you drink them?
Hi Brooke, I’m really stoked that you have taken on board some of my advice and gone for a healthy shop this week! You’re right, it’s definitely worth making small changes one step at a time if you want them to stick for life.
Try making 1-2 changes a week like you have done so far, for instance, swapping white rice for brown and buying veggies you don’t usually buy. In fact, it’s a great habit to get into trying a different fruit or vegetable every week. It keeps your taste buds learning and evolving, and also gives you a better array of nutrients.
As for protein powder, this can be a great addition, especially on a plant based diet when you often need to supplement. Or, even if you aren’t plant based you can still have a protein shake as a meal replacement or something. You don’t necessarily need to work out with them, but it is good to do some kind of physical exercise if you want the best results!
Hi Stephanie,
I have been following a plant based diet for many years and thus, since I know the benefits, I appreciate your outreach. However, I wonder about the source for your chart on protein content of plant based foods. I have only checked info on other sites for tempeh and lentils. When comparing 100 grams of each, the protein content of tempeh is MUCH higher than that of lentils.
Hi Bonny, thanks for reaching out! I will indeed double check the protein chart as I may have made an error. I’m sure you know what you are talking about as you have been plant based for so long. I will fix this immediately. Thanks again
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