Homemade, High Protein Granola with Fat Burning Ingredients

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Who can say they don’t LOVE a crunchy granola with ice-cold milk? Granola and muesli is usually touted as a ‘healthy’ breakfast food on its packaging, and to an extent, it probably is. But like most other packaged cereals, granolas are high calorie and sugar content, which we all know is not so healthy.

The frustration of this prompted us to create our own healthier version that turned out to be utterly delicious and very satisfying.

We’re 100% certain you’ll love this homemade high protein granola with fat burning ingredients. It’s literally got everything you could possibly wish for in the morning!

The high protein content, along with other certain metabolism boosting foods, helps to fire up your metabolism and keep it stoked for the rest of the day. Who knew food could do that?

That’s why picking your ingredients wisely, whilst still keeping them tasty, is the easiest and most painless way to not only boost weight loss, but also to keep your body healthy.

How do fat burning foods work?

homemade granola

There are certain foods that both boost your metabolism and help to keep your blood sugar stable. Both of which are key elements in keeping the excess pounds at bay without having to do too much hard work.

Adding these certain foods to ALL your meals as much as you can will really make a difference over time to your weight. That, and plenty of physical exercise of course, which is yet another metabolism booster.

However, you will always need to exercise PORTION CONTROL with the high fat foods on this list. Otherwise you will have the opposite effect to what you are looking for.

List Of Fat Burning Foods 

  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Cacao nibs
  • Nutritional Yeast
  • Hemp Seeds
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Prebiotics
  • Probiotics
  • Spirulina
  • Chlorella
  • Detoxifying Superfood Powders
  • Whole grains
  • Pulses
  • Cinnamon
  • Green Tea
  • Broccoli
  • Berries
  • Bananas
  • Grapefruit
  • Avocado
  • Buckwheat

These foods are all high in nutrients and antioxidants that are vital to health, vitality, your immune system, and are also highly anti aging. Most of them are known as Nature’s superfoods (which is a name that refers to a group of foods higher in nutrition than any others). Therefore a diet filled with these will make you a very healthy, happy bunny indeed.

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Granola’s Antioxidants And Fat Burning

Antioxidants help fight the free radical damage inflicted to your cells by certain environmental toxins. These include, exhaust fumes, industrial fumes, smoking, alcohol, junk foods, sugar, trans fats, pharmaceutical drugs (or drugs of any kind for that matter) and household chemicals to name just a few.

Your body is hit by an onslaught of these all day, every day. That’s a lot for it to deal with going through your system daily. Anything that doesn’t get (or cannot be) eliminated through detoxification ends up being stored for safe keeping in fat your cells.

These cells will just keep swelling and swelling to accommodate these toxins. This process, along with too many junk foods, can eventually be a contributor to obesity. This is why lots antioxidants and detoxifying foods are absolutely VITAL to your health and to a weight loss diet in general.

The role of highly nutritious foods

Eating an array of highly nutritious foods, along with a plant based meal plan, will guarantee you are getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs to fire on all cylinders. Feeling fantastic, having plenty of energy, and a strong immune system is just not possible without a balance of the right nutrients being eaten regularly.

This is more so the case in the MORNING with a healthy breakfast like our tasty granola recipe with fat burning ingredients!

Another awesome side effect of good nutrition is LESS CRAVINGS for the bad stuff. You crave junk foods and sugar when your body is out of balance and screaming out for nutrients. But once you have taken this problem out of the equation, you won’t be having those monstrous cravings that put paid to all your good intentions.

That’s why a nutritious breakfast like this high protein granola will start your day off perfectly with a good balance of highly nutritious foods all in one meal.

Protein And Fat Burning

slim belly

Eating a lower carb, higher protein diet is always going to give you a fat burning edge and is yet another great tip for keeping weight down and maintained. It’s also something that is so simple to do when you understand a few basic rules about protein rich foods, and food combining in general.

Put simply, protein increases thermogenesis, which is a metabolic process that causes your body to burn calories at an accelerated rate to produce heat. The more you can keep your body in this state, the more calories you will burn. Other factors that induce thermogenesis are the temperature of your environment and exercise.

Benefits of eating a protein rich breakfast

If you can begin your day with a high protein, antioxidant rich breakfast choc full of fat burning foods, then you cannot give yourself a better start. This granola has ALL of these things and more. It will help keep your blood sugar stable for hours, thus stopping mid-morning sugar cravings in their tracks.

It is also jam packed with healthy fats for brainpower, a healthy heart, and a super glowing complexion. In fact, all the antioxidants and fats work together to boost each other even further! This makes this simple breakfast perfect for not only weight watchers, but also for people studying, learning, and in training or exercise programs.

Don’t forget this sort of food is great for the kids too. Though you may want to chop the nuts and other elements up a bit smaller for them.

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How To Make High Protein Granola

You can vary the nuts, seeds and fruits in this recipe if you really need to (although we have picked these certain ones because of their unique antioxidant and nutritional profiles). But we recommend you stick as close to the recipe as possible if you want all the benefits. Always stick to the main elements of oats and buckwheat grouts to FILL YOU UP.

Why not try our delicious, spicy berry 5 minute jam with your granola too?

mason jar with granola

Homemade, High Protein Granola with Fat Burning Ingredients

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Course Breakfast, Brunch, Snack
Cuisine American, British
Servings 16
Calories 290 kcal


  • 250 grams of buckwheat grouts you can buy these in most supermarkets or health food stores. These are very important because they are a highly nutritious and full of protein and fibre. They are actually a seed not a grain, so are gluten free too. You can just use these alone if you want a lower carb granola, or you don't want to add oats (but oats do bulk it out).
  • 250 grams of jumbo oats Full of fibre, heart friendly, and beta glucens.
  • 1 cup of chopped raw walnuts High in vitamin E and omega 3's; good for the brain heart and memory.
  • cup of chopped raw almonds High in magnesium help lower cholesterol, fat burning.
  • cup of chopped raw Brazil nuts Selenium for mood, high in iron and calcium.
  • 1 cup of coconut flakes or desiccated coconut
  • ½ cup of milled chia powder Omega 3's, fibre, calcium, antioxidants.
  • 1 cup of chopped dates Anti inflammatory, bone health, phosphorus, vitamin K.
  • cup of sultanas Iron, potassium, antioxidants.
  • 15 x chopped unsulphured apricots -Vitamin A good for the blood, bones and skin.
  • Goji berries optional, but taste great - Powerful anti aging superfood.
  • 1 x heaped tablespoon of Ceylon cinnamon powder to help with lowering blood sugar for the whole day.
  • 2 x teaspoons of ginger powder Anti inflammatory, digestive aid.
  • cup of cacao nibs Flavenols, antioxidants, magnesium.


  • Heat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius
  • Mix the buckwheat grouts and jumbo oats together and add to a large pan (or 2 smaller ones)
  • Bake for about 15 mins, take out and give another mix, then return and bake for a further 10 or so minutes until going slightly brown or golden. You want a nutty effect, but not burnt.
  • Take out, leave to cool, then simply add in all the other ingredients and mix well. It's important you keep all the other ingredients in their raw state as this will keep the nutritious oils and antioxidants stable - you want this to be a virtually 'raw' breakfast as pure raw foods just give you more energy in general.
  • Next, store in a large mason jar or other airtight container and it will keep for weeks (probably longer, but mine never hangs about that long).



You can eat this granola for breakfast, lunch, or even a snack any time of the day by adding a cold sugar free plant milk, preferably organic soy for even more protein (when it comes to soy products I don't eat too much, and also I would only go for organic as inorganic is notorious for being GMO).
I like to add extra fresh fruit and berries on top to get even more goodness in, and as luck would have it berries are especially beneficial to fat burning too.
This breakfast is also awesome mixed with coconut yoghurt and chopped apple.
Keyword batch cook, chewy, crunchy granola, easy, granola, healthy, healthy breakfast, muesli, oil free, weight loss, weight loss foods, weight loss spices, whole foods plant based

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26 thoughts on “Homemade, High Protein Granola with Fat Burning Ingredients”

  1. I think I will do that and eat it after my workouts. It looks really delicious. However I just can’t find chia powder in my town and don’t have any online shopping opportunities here. Can you recommend an alternative?

    1. Hi Furkan, yes this would make a brilliant, filling post workout food. As an alternative to chia you could use ground flax, or linseed as it’s otherwise called. It’s really super high fiber and helps to clear out your colon and detoxify. If you can’t find that then just leave that particular ingredient out, it’s not a problem as it’s so full of other goodies anyway.

  2. I never knew there are food that stabilizes blood sugar levels and makes people not crave for sugar. This has been one of the habits I want to give up. Maybe protein ganola will help. I may need to take another look at learning how to cook such special dishes.

    1. Hi Chyke, yes there are many foods that stabalise blood sugar, for instance, anything low GI or high fat and protein with low sugar will all help to keep your blood sugar stable. This is why this granola is great as it does this for you, so great to eat in the morning especially as it will help stop sugar cravings for the whole day.

      Please read more on low GI foods here and try to incorporate more into your diet for health reasons

  3. I love this website layout! Looks great and is easy to read.
    Granola is AMAZING! And I love how you’ve helped us create our own healthy version, a guilt-free treat are always the best treats! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks Danielle, and I’m really happy about the compliment on my website. Brilliant!

      Yes this granola really IS a great; in fact, you can eat it any time. Sometimes in the evening I just take the whole jar with me and eat it in front of the TV ha ha. Yum!

  4. What a great recipe! I have never thought of using buckwheat as the base. I do love granola, but so many recipes it has so much sugar and fairly low protein. But this is great. When I started reading, I was expecting to have it just add more protein, not remove the carbs and changing the entire nature of the recipe. I’m making this today! Awesome!!

    1. Hey, thanks and I’m sure you will love this recipe! The buckwheat when toasted adds a whole new element to this granola, and for good measure it’s also gluten free and way higher in protein than most grains. Truly delicious, and very low in sugar, apart from the sugars that come naturally in the fruit.

      Always be sure to use dried fruits with NO added sugar, which means reading labels carefully as they often try to sneak it in there. Also, good to stay away from any other added colours of preservatives in your dried fruit. Ideally the label ingredients should just say the fruit and nothing else; dried fruits need no added sugars as they naturally are sweet and intense in flavour on their own.

      I hope you enjoy the recipe!

  5. What a great post! Two years ago I changed my life-style (eating habits) and one of the biggest areas that struggle with is my sweet tooth. You have presented thought food (hopefully non-fattening variety) to help.

    This will definitely help anybody who struggles with eating healthy. At age 79 I have lost 50 pounds and kept it off for 11 months now and have joined the ranks of race walkers. Two years ago I was not able to walk 1 mile now do 5k almost daily.

    Keep adding great information/inspiration


    1. Wow Barry, what an inspiring story, and you deserve a huge congratulations for losing 50lbs. That must have taken a lot of dedication, especially if you have a swwet tooth!

      I always find that to conquer sugar cravings I use lots of healthy fats and a low GI diet. Breakfast is a huge part of mastering your blood sugar early on in the day. If you eat a low GI high protein breakfast then this will keep your blood sugar much more stable for the rest of the day than if you were to eat a high sugar breakfast. Another fantastic food for stabalising sugar is the humble avocado. In fact, it’s literally on of the best foods for the job that is also a fantastic weight loss food too and is easy to add to any meal or smoothie.

  6. Hey Stephanie,

    I’m a big fan of whole food plant based diets. I really do think this would prevent a huge number of illnesses and diseases people have if they are like this.

    Thanks so much for sharing I’m defo going to try out the protein bars!!


    1. Hey, yep plant based is definitely the way to go if you want to feel your best, and also much more environmentally friendly too which is a bonus. I hope you enjoy the granola which I’m sure could easily be converted into bars with the addition if a little extra coconut oil.

  7. This is something new and exciting. What impressed me the most was your knowledge of antioxidants, free radicals, vitamins, minerals, and the role they play in the body. You sure know your nutrition through and through.

    I strive to eat my best all the time and although I’ve cheated during the Holiday season I’m always looking for ways to make clean, nutritious food taste great. I’ve found dozens of methods but I’m literally craving this granola as I write my comment.

    My whole family is good at eating nutrient-dense food and once upon a time, it was just me until I introduced foods such as these to them and these days, it’s completely different. Again, my family and I do cheat around the Holidays but the minute the food’s gone, it’s 100% nutritious all year, even during the Holidays in the summer with all the cookouts.

    1. Hi Todd, sounds like you know your stuff too when it comes to healthy eating! I too strive to eat well 90-95% of the times and then I always have a little leeway to relax or have a treat, especially around holidays.

      It’s so great you have got your whole family into it; I have too and they are much healthier for it. I dread to think about the junk foods they used to eat before. Healthy eating sure does wear off onto other people, I have even converted work colleagues in the past ha ha.

  8. Great recipe. I am excited to find a recipe that is full of ingredients that I can eat (grain free)! While I will not be adding any “milk” to mine, I think it will make a excellent addition to my list of things that I can eat for breakfast.

    Do you think it would be possible to heat this, say with a bit of water, to make a hot cereal? Only asking as I look out the window at the snow storm that just hit our city…

    1. Hi Irma, I’m glad you like the look of this recipe and I’m sure you will love it. However, if you use the oats like I do then it won’t be grain free, but it will be gluten free if you are careful where you source your oats if that’s what you’re worried about. If you really can’t eat grains then there’s no reason why you can’t use the buckwheat grouts and the use buckwheat flakes instead of the oats. This will at least give it some texture variety.

      And yes, there’s absolutely no reason why it wouldn’t work with a bit of warm water, just be sure not to over boil if you want to keep all those lovely raw food nutrients in tact. As a side thought, I also think it would go amazingly well with some yogurt, or better still some coconut yogurt with live cultures… yum!

  9. I really like the look of your website. Lots of really great information. So much content! Well done. The article was easy to read and informative. I like the way you give facts throughout the article. You have a very believable way of writing. Well done.

    1. Hi Tom, I’m flattered you like my website, it’s always good to receive positive feedback to know you’re on the right track. I like to give facts and educate in my articles and not just post recipes. Every meal I make I like to be balanced and for all the ingredients to work and enhance each other nutrient wise as well as taste wise.

  10. I just recently started a new low carb, high protein diet. This homemade granola will be a great snack for me. That is my only problem, I get hungry and then instead of a healthy snack I end up eating something not good for me that is “handy”. Are some of these ingredients available at a health food type store?

    1. Hi Leahrae, yes I’m the same, I need healthy snacks around me at all times in case my blood sugar drops and I get hungry. Sometimes this can be a problem depending on where you are; especially on holidays!

      Luckily, you can buy all of these ingredients at any grocery or health food store. If not, then you can easily swap them up with other items as the recipe is easily adaptable. I would however keep the main staples of buckwheat grouts and oats, but you can always mix up your nuts, seeds and dried fruit. Make sure to use unsweetened fruits; you have to be savvy about that as many have hidden sugars so always read labels.


  11. Although fat burning isn’t my primary goal, I will definitely try this recipe because there are other health benefits such as those beneficial to the heart and brain. Also the fact that it has foods containing iron is great as I’m anaemic, so thank you for this post!

    1. Yes, this granola is definitely good for everybody whether they want to lose weight or not. You can’t get a better start to the day than eating lots of plant based protein, healthy fats, nutrients, and low GI complex carbohydrates. It’s everything the body needs for energy, mood, and hunger control and will fill you up fill you up until lunch.

      The best thing about this granola is you can moderate it to your own tastes or to what you have available in your cupboards, as long as you keep the main base of oats, buckwheat grouts, and coconut oil.

  12. You articles are always awesome, full of natural healthy tips and knowledge. I love this post too. When we talk about loosing weight and fat burning, only boring tasteless food came into our minds, but this post rectify these thoughts completely. We can have fat burning yummy, natural, and wholesome food too.

    1. Yes, healthy food certainly doesn’t have to be boring, not in the least; although a lot of people do have that belief unfortunately, which can often stop them from making much needed changes.

      I like to prove to people that you CAN have great tasty food that is also highly nutritious and fat burning all in one, and that it can be simple to prepare, cheap, and easy.

  13. Pingback: How to Burn Stomach Fat In 10 VERY Easy Daily Steps

  14. Pingback: Chromium Picolinate & Weight Loss + How To Use It Correctly

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