How to Burn Stomach Fat In 10 VERY Easy Daily Steps

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Do you have that stubborn type of belly fat that just won’t shift no matter what you do? If so, then chances are you may need to shake things up a bit with your diet and exercise.

Learning how to burn stomach fat fast means you’re going to have you do things a little differently from your usual routine.

If you apply these 10 very easy daily steps then you will soon be rocking that beach body in no time. That’s not to mention having glowing, beautiful skin and LOTS more energy!

The problem with yoyo dieting

Frustratingly, our clever little bodies get used to our normal strategies of trying to shift excess fat and annoyingly seem to hold onto it more tightly than ever. This is usually down to long term yoyo dieting that can mess up metabolism and seem to make weight loss harder and harder.

Unfortunately, these problems are often only exacerbated with age and as your metabolism gets slower in general.

Unfair and frustrating it may be, but it doesn’t have to be this way if you are willing to make a few permanent lifestyle changes. Do not let this annoying quirk of nature allow you to become despondent about getting that body you want.

Is Belly Fat Dangerous?

large stomach

It’s not all about the aesthetic benefits of less abdominal fat. Not by a long shot!

Having excess timber around the middle is proven to be the worst kind of fat in terms of health. Belly fat makes its way around the internal organs (visceral fat) and can eventually cause all sorts of damage and trigger health problems. 

On top of that, those who lay fat down around their middle are twice as likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes than those who lay fat down on their thighs and bottom. This is yet another valid reason to work on your waistline specifically.

Excess Belly Fat and Disease

Too thick a waistline will put you at higher risk of sleep apnea, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and more scarily you increase your risk of premature death in general.

This is why it’s hugely important to make every effort you can to decrease excess belly fat. You will need to also make these long term changes that you can realistically stick to to safeguard your health well into old age.

How to Lose Belly Fat Naturally

If you’re asking “how can I lose belly fat fast”, then this list of 10 simple strategies should easily be incorporated into your life every day. They will without a doubt give you the fat burning edge you are looking for no matter what your age or current size.

The specific fat burning foods below work best when combined together (not necessarily all at once, but try to add all of them to your diet in general).

Eat low GI foods

You will notice a lot of the strategies used for burning abdominal fat involve keeping your blood sugar balanced with lots of low GI foods. This is because it’s the fluctuating sugar levels in your bloodstream that cause your body to keep pumping out insulin. Your body does this in order to clear those sugars from the blood, after which (unless they are being used for energy) they will mostly get pushed into fat cells, thus expanding them.

And by expanding, we mean you will get bigger and bigger until you make changes to stop the process. Knowing this makes the correlation between sugar and fat glaringly obvious.

weight loss program

How Much Sugar Can I Have a Day?

When you consider the average adult can only safely assimilate 7-9 teaspoons of sugar daily, you can then see how dangerous too much is. You can also see also how easy it is t o have too much and not even realise it!

We’re talking about ‘free’ or ‘refined’ sugars here. The likes of table sugar, honey, syrups, fruit juices, or any other type sugar that has been extracted from its whole and natural form. Yes, some of these sugars may very well be considered “healthier” than others, but they are still a free sugar.

Eat ‘whole’ fruits

Eating ‘whole’ fruits in moderation doesn’t count as free sugar. This is because whole fruits still have all their fibres and nutrients in tact, therefore your body has to do all the hard work breaking them down. This then gives a slow and sustained release of energy over a period of time.

How to Burn Stomach Fat In 10 VERY Easy Daily Steps

It’s important to try and incorporate as many (if not all) of these steps as you possibly can into your life. When you hit belly fat from all angles, plus learn new eating patterns for life, then you will have success in weight loss and fat burning.


whole avocados

When it comes to burning belly fat, avocados come in at number one on the list. YES, they’re a a fat, but they are a fat burning fat because they are low GI (which causes satiety). They’re also brimming with heart healthy, monounsaturated fats.

Avocados can’t be praised enough for the role they can potentially play as a weight loss and fat torching food when used in moderation.

It’s proven that eating a medium sized avocado a day (I personally eat mine in the morning in a weight loss shake) helps keeps blood sugar balanced ALL day. This in turn helps to burn fat. And, as avocado’s are low GI they help to burn belly fat specifically.

This really does work! I find that if I skip my morning avocado I really do crave more sugar throughout the day.

Refined Sugars

Eating refined sugars (as delicious and addictive as they may be) will give you a rapid insulin response.

This ultimately leads to that sugar being laid down as fat. Unless of course you are about to do a workout and immediately burn it off, but even then there are much healthier ways to fuel a workout than with refined sugars. 

Do not fear too much about the avocado’s fat content. Eating healthy, ‘whole’ fats in moderation can help keep blood sugar stable, plus feeds the brain, skin, hair, nails and may keep your heart healthy, depending on the type of fat.

It is refined carbohydrates and sugar that are the worst offenders in making you fat, not healthy fats in moderation.

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Low GI complex carbohydrates, the likes of granary or sourdough bread, rolled oats, brown rice, pasta, millet, buckwheat and quinoa breakfast bowls are filling and sustaining.

A low GI meal or snack, if perfectly combined with protein and a little healthy fat will fuel your body for a ‘slow burn’ for hours. It will also help keep blood sugar stable and halt sugar cravings in their tracks.

Keeping blood sugar under control stops the body from continually pumping out insulin. This is something you really have to work on if you want to blast belly fat for good. It is not only the cornerstone of long-term weight loss, but can also act as a preventative measure against many modern day diseases. 


Adding cinnamon to your diet also helps to keep your blood sugar under control. This amazing super spice affects insulin quantities and also works on blood sugar levels directly.

Just make sure you buy the good quality flaky ceylon cinnamon bark (see pic) and not the hard rolls that is the cassia cinnamon. This is the type you will nearly always get if you buy it pre-ground from the supermarket, but it is not the healthiest one.

Grind your own Ceylon cinnamon

Usually, the only way to ensure you’re getting the flaky bark ceylon cinnamon is to not buy it pre-ground. Instead buy the bark and grind it yourself.

You will find, when you start experiment with this warming spice, that you can add it to many of your meals and hot drinks and actually make them tastier. I add super healthful  cinnamon to my morning smoothie, porridge, homemade, fat burning granola or  metabolism boosting drinks.

You can put a pinch of cinnamon into your green tea (which also happens to be another fat burning food). You can kind of see where we’re going with this – incorporating fat burning foods together to really enhance their effect.


green superfood powder

Superfood powders offer so much more than just fat burning alone. Good quality, green super food contains enormous amounts of phytonutrients and antioxidants that will hit the system quickly. And, will make you quite literally glow from the inside out.

Green superfoods burn fat because they are highly detoxifying. And, when the body starts detoxifying, it boots all the rubbish out of your fat cells and in turn causes them to SHRINK.

Powerful green superfood powders are also extremely high in anti aging antioxidants that can keep you looking young too.

Use only high quality superfood

There are all sorts of green, super food powders on the market, such as wheatgrass, barleygrass, chlorella and spirulina. Always be sure to search for organic and good quality products as this will make a huge difference to what you are actually getting and how well it will work. 

Please check out this thorough list of the most nutritious superfood powders available right now. We have researched thoroughly to find the highest quality products that offer both good reviews and great value.


halved grapefruit

An oldie but a goodie! The grapefruit diet has been around since the eighties, but it so happens there is a lot of science behind how this works. Grapefruit reduces insulin resistance, decreases blood sugar and helps stop the body from storing fat. Almost too good to be true, but the proof is in the research.

Try adding grapefruit to your diet every day

Studies have shown that eating half a grapefruit before each meal (up to 3 times a day) can help you to lose between 2 to 3lbs a week. And, this is supposedly without changing your diet in any other way.

Now, it may be too much to eat grapefruit before every meal, but it is certainly worth having half a grapefruit with your breakfast. And, definitely before high fat meals for the simple fact it helps your body break down fat.

Remember to be sure to make allowances for all that extra grapefruit in your daily calorie allowance. They are around 50 calories for a half!


Green tea is a fat burner that contains a myriad of antioxidants, including the unique polyphenol EGCG.

EGCG is only found in green tea leaves and can help control diabetes due to its effect on blood sugar. It’s great for helping the brain function correctly and to give your physical performance a boost before exercise.

I find green tea great for when I’m studying, as it keeps me alert and helps my memory too!


Bananas can actually speed up your metabolism and give your body a helping hand in building lean muscle tissue. Having lots of lean muscle on your body is a fat burner in itself! The reason being, muscle burns over double the amount of calories (even when resting) than fat.

The humble banana is also full of fibre and nutrients – all of which will help keep you full for longer. And, at only 90-100 calories for a medium sized fruit, they are a great little snack on the go. 



Talking of building up lean muscle mass leads us on to the next step on your weight loss plan. We all know the importance of exercise, and the fact that you really should find ways to incorporate it into your life whenever you can.

But, fortunately, you don’t need to spend hours in the gym or pounding the pavements (which is actually not good for your joints anyway) to get fit.

Recent research has shown that short blasts of 5-10 minutes exercise, 2-3 times a day can be just as effective at keeping weight down and fitness levels up. Just as good as some of the more hardcore and longer duration forms of exercise, in fact.

Raise your heart rate for best results


It’s most important to make sure you get your heart rate up to a point where you’re pretty breathless. This is actually quite an easy thing to do and can be done almost anywhere.

You could run up and down your stairs at home for 10 minutes (which quickly does the job of getting you huffing and puffing). Or, you could do a blast on the skipping rope, punch bag or exercise bike for 10 minutes; or 3x couple of minute intervals.

If you’re an outdoors type then you could do a power walk to work a couple of times a week and save on transport fares.

There are literally a million ways you can incorporate exercise into your life, no matter how busy you are.

In order to keep your body in fat burning mode you need to keep that muscle mass up. Muscle is a higher calorie burner than fat, even when you’re just sitting doing nothing.

fitness program


Which Exercise Burns The Most Belly Fat?

HULA HOOPING – The most effective belly fat burning exercise?

One of the quickest, easiest and sure fire ways to blast unsightly belly fat is through the simple exercise of hula hoping.

Hula hooping tones your stomach and thighs to perfection, especially if you keep it up every day for about a month or so. But, you do actually start to feel slimmer straight away due to the fact that it does such a great job of pulling in and toning those stomach muscles.

You will need a weighted hula hoop, and not a kiddies one, if you want the best results.

Check out this post on using a hula hoop correctly if you need some pointers on how to use it for weight loss.


Do I need protein supplements if I exercise?

The answer to this is not necessarily, but if you’re doing a lot of exercise and would actively like to gain muscle then a protein supplement may help you achieve this faster.

Also, if you are a vegan or plant based eater you may want to supplement protein, especially if you’re not whole foods plant based.

With such a selection of many different types of protein powders on the market, it is hard to know what to choose. But, a plant based protein powder is preferable to dairy if you are going to supplement.

Many people find that isolated whey protein (which is dairy) gives them bloating and other problems.

How much protein do I need?

For weight loss purposes you should aim for at least 1 gram of protein per 1 kg of body weight. You can even go up to a maximum of 2 grams if you have a lot of weight to lose, or are lifting heavy weights. 

Top Tip:- Eating 30 grams of protein powder (or the equivalent amount that makes up 30 grams of actual protein) within 30 minutes of getting up will help keep you in a fat burning state for longer. This can be very effective after a night of fasting. But, it must be just protein (and minimal carbs) in order for this to be as effective as possible for fat burning.

A great way to do this (which makes it a filling breakfast too) is to whiz up your protein powder with some no added sugar nut milk and half a large avocado. Have that as your actual breakfast and you will be full for around 5 hours.

Or, better still, make an addictive nice-cream bowl. Once you start on these, you’ll be hooked forever.

Best Protein Powder For Fat Burning

Plant based protein is best, and you could either blend or alternate a couple of different types. Or, go for a pre-made blend which will already have a perfectly blended amino acid profiles (which can often fall short in some lone plant based protein powders).

Many of the new protein powders on the market will also have added enzymes, vitamin, minerals, and sometimes even green superfood powders too.


In the fight against the belly flab, a high protein, high fibre diet in general will keep your metabolism stoked. This in turn promotes fat burning.

Be sure to add decent portions of protein with every meal. Also, pick low carb fat burning foods as an extra fat torching measure.

Eating a high protein, low carb diet in general (we’re talking refined carbs here like simple sugars, not complex carbohydrates) is one of the best tried and tested methods of weight loss.

That, along with your fat burning foods and a regular exercise plan.


woman sleeping

Sleep! Another fantastic fat burner. An average 150 lb person burns around 63 calories per hour whilst sleeping alone. This averages about 500 calories in an eight-hour snooze.

That’s a FREE calorie burn, not to mention the fact that you can’t eat while you’re sleeping. So, the more sleep you get, the less time you actually have to be thinking about and eating food.

Blood sugar control

Another great reason to acquire more sleep is to help keep your blood sugar under control for the day ahead. This in turn will help to stop sugar cravings the next day.

When you haven’t had enough restful sleep, you will often crave high carbohydrate and sugary foods for instant energy. And, this can spell dieting disaster. When willpower is low (like it is when you’re tired), you’re far more likely to cave when the sugar monster strikes.

Getting quality sleep 

It’s very important to make sure you’re getting good, sound, quality sleep to gain all these fat burning benefits. You may want to set an app on your phone, or invest in a decent fitness tracker which will help you on your health and fitness journey.

Sleep is the absolute CORNERSTONE of good health and vitality, and if you don’t get adequate amounts then everything will suffer.

Thank you for reading and enjoying this article. We hope it has helped you and given you some tips on improving your life and health.

As always, we aim is to bring you the latest information and unbiased research in the health and fitness industry.

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14 thoughts on “How to Burn Stomach Fat In 10 VERY Easy Daily Steps”

  1. I’m really glad to see that your first 8 items here are all about diet. The research keeps showing again and again that your diet is the key piece of staying slim and fit. While of course exercise and sleep factor in, they are not the lynch pin that holds it all together.

    What are your thoughts on eating lean protein to help build muscle in place of fat?

    1. Hi Craig, thanks for reading and yes diet is the probably the most essential thing when it comes to health, but the effects are doubled with exercise, so this is another crucial piece of the puzzle.

      Yes, if you want to burn fat you really should replace a lot of your carbs with good quality protein (my favorite protein is plant protein as it is non acidic and just feels cleaner). For the best effects of eating lots of protein you should really be doing weight bearing exercise as this will make tiny tears in your muscle tissue that grow back bigger and stronger.

      You do not have to do this on the scale of a body builder of course, but everyone should make it a priority to have muscle mass on their body instead of fat as there are just do many benefits to this. Here is a link to my page on burning fat and building muscle, I am sure you will find it very interesting. Please read here for more information on plant based proteins

    1. Hi Lane, thanks for reading. I know what you mean about the green powders as they can for some people take some getting used to, but it doesn’t take long and once you do you’ll never look back! But even if you can’t tolerate the green powders, if you do everything else on the list then you should be fine anyway. Good luck.

  2. As we get older belly fat is one of those things that can be irritating so these are some great tips. I drink a lot of tea but not green tea, but I have seen people drink it and now I plan to go out and get some today. I did not realize it increases the metabolism.

    I also did not realize the statistic of 63 calories being burned while sleeping. That is very interesting to me as I for one know I do not get enough sleep and I will make that part of my goal in this new upcoming year. I realize sleep is good for me in a lot of ways and now I know another way thanks to you.

    Thanks again for these wonderful ideas.

    1. Hi Nate, thanks for your comment. Yes belly fat does seem to be one of those annoying things that just seems to stick more as we get older. I’m sure its due to the metabolism getting more sluggish and less exercise in general. Most people don’t make this correlation, but when they think hard about it they usually remember being much more active when you were younger, and this was keeping them in shape. I do have another great post about losing belly fat fast that may be of interest.
      Yes, always remember to get enough sleep as the body is just burning up those calories doing all its repair work and you don’t even have to think about it. Brilliant, ha ha.

  3. I was about to research how to lose body fat when I came across your article. Glad I did. The tips about grapefruit, sleep and exercise I knew to incorporate and have been trying. However the other tips about diet will really help me with those extra inches and to stay fit. I am ready to try those as well.

    1. Hi Latricia, I am so happy you found my article of good use. I really hope it helps you to lose those stubborn extra inches as I know it can be hard. The best thing you can do for yourself and what worked for me quickly, was purchasing a weighted hula hoop. You can do it anywhere, in front of the T.V. for half an hour a day and it really whittles your waist down. It may be difficult to get the hang of at first due to the extra weight in it but you soon get used to it, just keep practicing.

  4. Thanks for sharing! I love avocado, in fact I used to eat it a lot before I had a baby but stopped for no reason and I’m considering adding them back to my diet. Plus it tastes so good. I’m also going to consider the other foods listed as well.

  5. I love that you eat avocado every day. I think I need to give that a start. I mean, I definitely have them maybe 2 times a week but every day mgiht make a huge difference for my weight loss goals and skin health.

    1. Yes you should definitely try it. Don’t be scared of the fat, just make sure you add it in to your daily calorie/fat count. It really works for me as it makes me full for hours. I couldn’t live without my half an avocado a day now ha ha. Good luck!

  6. Wow! Such awesome vital information in regard to losing belly fat quickly, I remember there were some days when I’d just try to lose belly fat quickly using these tips and it was fantastic.

  7. Pingback: How to use Protein Powder for Weight Loss EFFECTIVELY!

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