Do you miss those delicious chocolate bars that you used to eat before you embarked upon a plant based diet?
Most of these old school chocolate treats are non vegan and also very unhealthy. That’s why we love to wow you with healthier versions of what you used to love. These plant based, snickers copycat protein bars and 100% refined sugar free, yet taste every bit as (or even better than) the real deal. They are also NO BAKE!
Old school memories
Food can take us back to happier times. Memories from the past are often triggered by tastes, smells and music. Sweets and candy are often associated with childhood memories because they were usually a reward or a treat.
Sometimes we take these rewards or treats into our adult life and this is the reason why these foods are hard to resist.
Of course, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with eating the odd shop bought chocolate bar. Fill your boots. But, it’s obviously not something you would want to do every day, especially if you are on a healthy, plant based diet. If you can make something yourself that is JUST as delicious, but also good for you, then all the better, right?
What is in these healthy, no bake protein Snickers?
Let’s delve into the wholesome ingredients we have used in our delicious Snickers bars so you can decide whether they’re for you.
To make these Snickers copy cat protein bars, you will need a good quality protein powder to start with.
Make sure yours has no added sugars, preservatives, fillers or bulking agents. All of these things will take away the healthiness from your end result. You will also pick up on the chalkiness and taste of fillers/bulking agents when you use them concentrated in a bar like this. It may be a different story if you are using them in a long drink or shake and watered down with milk of water, but in a bar you will taste anything that shouldn’t be there.
It’s also an added bonus to use a protein powder that has added superfoods such as greens. algae’s, fruits, veggies, vitamins, minerals and probiotics. Many do have these already in them, depending on the brand you buy.
If you don’t wish to use it, you could probably substitute the protein powder for cacao powder.
Best Protein Powder Brands with Added Superfoods:-
- Sun Warri0r
- Nature’s Plus
- Garden of Life
- Amazing Grass
- Dr. Mercola
- PlantFusion
- MRM Nutrition
- Legion Thrive
- Orgain
Check out this plant based protein powders list list for a closer look at the best types to buy.
Peanuts are a great source of protein and contain all 20 amino acids, the highest being arginine. Arginine is beneficial to the human body in many ways, including heart health, lowering blood sugar and helping with Sports performance.
The humble and inexpensive peanut is a great way to add healthy fats and a great amino acid profile to your diet for little cost.
We have used both peanut butter and salted peanuts in these snickers copy cat protein bars, just to give them the most authentic taste possible. You can, however, use plain, unroasted nuts or dry roasted nuts if you do not with to have the added oils or salt. But, using the roasted, salted nuts does make them taste more like your average Snickers bar.
Maple syrup is the perfect, low GI sugar that sweetens most baking perfectly.
It offers a caramelly taste, along with minerals and antioxidants. It’s also anti inflammatory which is the complete opposite of refined, white sugar. It’s good for both skin and digestion as another added bonus.
Although high in calories, its sugars are released slowly into the bloodstream. This means they are less likely to cause unwanted weight gain when eaten in moderation.
We have used oat flour in these healthy, snickers protein bars because it is gluten free and easily available as a store cupboard staple.
There is literally NO NEED to buy your oat flour because you can make your own in under 6o seconds in your blender. If you buy it pre-ground then you will pay 10X more for it, so really no need.
You will need some kind of solidifying fat for these bars, and coconut is the best for this job as it hardens when refrigerated.
Obviously, coconut oil in high doses will not be great for you, but there is only very little in this recipe, especially when you break it down per bar.
Be sure to use good quality coconut oil and you will get some benefits from it such as antimicrobial effects, increased satiety and fat burning. It is also good for oral and skin health, therefore this fat is definitely not bad when used in MODERATION.
You can use ordinary melted down chocolate if you like, but we like to make more of a ganache type topping as it feels and tastes more indulgent.
We always only ever use dark chocolate for minimal refined sugars. Most also happen to be naturally vegan (but do check labels). Go for anything that is 70% cacao solids and above for maximum health benefits and the least amount of refined sugar. Organic is always good too!
Dark chocolate has health benefits (or, rather the cacao in dark chocolate) as it is full of nutrients, minerals and antioxidants, so is pretty good for you as part of a balanced diet.
We’ve also added a little high quality coconut oil and a splash more of maple syrup to make our scrumptious chocolate ganache.

Plant Based, Snickers Copycat Protein Bars (Refined Sugar Free)
- 1 glass bowl
- 1 mixing bowl
- long, loaf tin (or similar shape to make bars)
- Spoons
- Small saucepan
- Tin foil or parchment paper
Bottom layer
- ⅔ cup chocolate, vanilla or peanut butter protein powder You could probably sub the protein powder for cacao if you don't wish to use it.
- ½ cup oat flour You can use buckwheat, coconut or almond also.
- 3 dsp real maple syrup
- ⅓ cup plant milk of choice
Second layer
- ½ cup of smooth sugar-free nut butter of choice
- 3 dsp good quality coconut oil
- 3 dsp maple syrup You can use agave or brown rice syrup also.
- ½ cup salted, roasted nuts You can use dry roasted or raw also, but it will taste slightly different to snickers.
- 1 tsp vanilla essence optional
- Pinch of sea salt
For the chocolate coating
- 100 g 70-85% cacao solids chocolate
- 2 dsp coconut oil
- 2 dsp maple syrup
- Pinch salt
For the bottom layer
- Prepare and line a long, loaf type tin with tin foil or parchment paper.
- Start on your first layer by mixing all ingredients well. You will want to add your milk slowly until you get a really thick dough texture. Different protein powders and milks work differently, so you will have to do this by eye.
- Press your thick dough into your pre-lines tin and set in the freezer whilst you get on with the rest of the recipe.
Second layer
- Add all ingredients to your bowl except about 1/3rd of the peanuts and mix well. Add to you your first layer, then press extra peanuts in afterwards. Put back in freezer whilst you get on with your delicious, chocolate ganache.
Chocolate coating
- Over a Bain Marie, melt your chocolate and coconut oil. Do not over heat, you want it only just melted.
- Once it has melted nicely, take off the heat and then add your maple syrup for more sweetness along with a pinch of salt. Add enough maple to desired sweetness, but remember the rest of your bar is sweet too.
- Put the whole bowl into your fridge for about 25 minutes to allow the mixture to thicken (but, definitely not set). You need the ganache to be a thick enough consistency to cover your bars nicely. Make sure the ganache is very cold with no heat left in it, especially not the bowl. Do not attempt to put the ganache into the freezer to cool faster as you will just freeze up the edges which makes it unusable.
- In the meantime, take your Snickers bar layers out of the freeze and pull out of the tin whilst still in the foil or paper.
- Gently peel the foil or paper away and chop with a carving knife into 8-10 bars, according to how large you want them to be. Be very gentle whilst chopping them up as you don't want to break them. If you do accidently break a bar, then don't worry, just cover it with chocolate ganache anyway. Why waste it?
- Once your ganache is the right consistency, and very cold, you can begin covering your bars.
- Make sure you have another lined, flatter baking tray ready to put your freshly covered bars onto.
- Now start dipping your frozen bars into your ganache. Try to dip in and out and cover all sides. Don't worry if your coating looks thin as we will be tipping more ganache on afterwards.
- Once you have dipped and coated all bars (this will be a very messy job) you can use any leftover chocolate mixture to pour onto the top of your bars. Don't worry if it pools around the edges as this will make them more rustic. The chocolate will set anyway and will lift off with the bar.
- Place in an air-tight container.
Thanks for visiting us today. We think you’re totally awesome to love recipes like this.
If you LOVE this recipe, then why not check out our scrumptious, peanut butter stuffed dates?
They taste just like SNICKERS, yet super HEALTHY!
OR, these absolutely scrumptious, chocolate-banana-nut butter bites.
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