This post has been reviewed by our registered dietitian Celine Maetti
If you’re asking the question “what is a complete amino acid profile on a plant based diet?” then this post is for you. The building of muscle and the synthesis of hormones and neurotransmitters both rely heavily on a supply of full spectrum amino acids on a continual basis. Therefore, you need to be sure you are getting your quota of protein on this healthful lifestyle.
There are 20 amino acids in all, and they come in the three different categories of essential, conditionally essential, and non-essential. In this post we will be concentrating on the amino acids specifically pertaining to a plant based diet.
What Are Essential Amino Acids?
There are 9 essential amino acids that are called so because the body cannot produce them itself. They therefore must come from outside sources in the form of either the foods you eat or supplementation.
These essential amino acids are as follows:-
- Histidine
- Isoleucine
- Tryptophan
- Leucine
- Lysine
- Valine
- Methionine
- Phenylalanine
- Threonine
Conditionally Essential Amino Acids
There are 6 conditionally essential amino acids which are readily produced by the body in most people. The exception to this may be in circumstances such as sickness, extreme stress, and premature babies whose bodies may struggle to make their own.
They conditionally essential amino acids are as follows:-
- Arginine
- Glycine
- Glutamine
- Cysteine
- Tyrosine
- Proline
Non-essential Amino Acids
There are 11 non-essential amino acids that your body is perfectly capable of producing itself from the other essential amino acids. You will notice some of them on the list above. This is because the body cannot make some of the below ones under the circumstances of sickness or stress as described previously.
These non-essential amino acids are as follows:-
- Alanine
- Arginine
- Aspartic Acid
- Glutamic Acid
- Asparagine
- Cysteine
- Glutamine
- Glycine
- Proline
- Tyrosine
- Serine
How Do I Obtain Enough Amino Acids?
If you’re eating a non-plant based diet then you can obtain all the amino acids you need quite easily through meat, fish, eggs and dairy. Animal products are already complete proteins that are easily absorbable by the human body.
However, too many animal proteins can be acidic and contribute to chronic inflammation. It’s a good idea, if you’re non vegan, to eat your animal proteins alongside lots of plant based foods just to keep things on a more even keel. Doing this will also to help you obtain a more diverse gut microbiome.
What Are Plant Based Proteins?
Contrary to popular belief there are an abundance of plant foods that contain good amounts of protein. Though not all of them are ‘complete’ proteins, which is why it can be harder on a plant based diet plan to achieve your needs if you’re not eating a healthy, plant based diet. It can be especially hard when you are doing lots of exercise. Even more so muscle building, but it’s definitely NOT impossible.
It’s ALL about the whole foods plant based diet when it comes to plant proteins. There are lots of vegan junk foods out there that contain zero protein (thinks oils and refined sugars), but when you eat WHOLE FOODS you will naturally get protein from them.
It’s important to note that you don’t need to actually eat all the amino acids in one meal as your body (if it is healthy) is capable of recycling them over the course of the day.
High Protein Plant Foods
- Soy
- Quinoa
- Buckwheat
- Legumes
- Beans and Pulses
- Lentils
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Plant Based protein Powders
- Wholegrains
- Spelt
- Amaranth
- Pearl barley
- Oats
- Brown Rice
- Corn
- Freekeh
- Rye
- Broccoli
- Asparagus
- Brussel Sprouts
- Spinach
Some plant foods are higher in certain amino acids than others. You can mix them to obtain a ‘complete’ profile.
For instance, you should mix legumes, beans, or lentils with wholegrains such as brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, barley, spelt or freekah. OR, mix wholegrains with nuts and seeds, OR, vegetables and grains with nuts/seeds, OR, corn and legumes.
Eating in this way is actually beneficial for satiety and fullness regardless of whether you actually need to eat all amino acids with a meal.
Complete amino acid profile meal and snack examples:-
- Chickpea curry with wholegrain pilau rice and a side dish of steamed spinach.
- Sourdough toast with tahini, mashed avocado, grated carrot, and squeeze of lemon juice.
- Hummus with rye crackers or oatcakes.
- Oatcakes and sugar free nut butter.
- Mixed bean chili with quinoa or mixed grains.
- Tofu and vegetable stir-fry with buckwheat/soba noodles or brown rice.
- Sweet potato, slow cooker stew.
Complete Plant Proteins
There are 5 plant proteins in nature that have a complete amino acid profile naturally. These are:-
- Buckwheat
- Soy
- Hemp
- Amaranth
- Quinoa
It’s good to try and incorporate a couple of these into your diet every day as they are also super healthful in other ways. These 5 foods between them contain omega 3 fatty acids, fibre, complete proteins and many nutrients.
Benefits Of Quinoa
Quinoa (which is a seed not a grain) is especially nutritious. It not only contains a full spectrum of those vital amino acids, but it’s a superfood in its own right.
Along with protein, quinoa also contains a myriad of other healthy nutrients such as omega 3 fatty acids, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, folate, copper, and also lots of gut friendly fibre.
It is also low GI, so great for weight loss and blood sugar balance and is completely versatile. It can be eaten as a substitute for rice or other grains as a side dish to any meal, as a protein OR a carbohydrate (due to its substantial amounts of both of these). Quinoa can also be eaten alone as a complete food in itself.
Quinoa is also great in sweet deserts such as quinoa pudding and makes an awesome start to the day in the form of a tasty and wholesome quinoa breakfast bowl.
Why Do I Need Protein?
Protein is something that everybody needs in amounts of roughly 1-2 grams per kilo of body weight, per day. Some people may require more than others, but this depends heavily on activity levels and other reasons such as being diabetic or needing to lose weight.
You will find the amounts of protein in a food in this easy to understand protein list.
If you are doing a lot of exercise (specifically muscle building), then you will need to be extra vigilant with protein. You may also require a protein supplement if you wish to build muscle. But, don’t over do it! Most people who eat lots of other proteins don’t actually need a protein supplement if they are exercising for under an hour, OR if they are not lifting heavy weights.
Protein And Weight Loss
A high protein diet can be your best friend on a weight loss plan, for the simple fact that protein is filling, low GI (so helps you to burn belly fat), and it helps curb sugar and carb cravings.
Protein will also keep your muscle mass up. Calorie restriction dieters notoriously lose muscle mass along with fat when cutting calories, which is a very bad thing. Muscle mass keeps your metabolism stoked and your body in continual fat burning mode. Check out our metabolism boosting spice mix.
You will also feel and look better for upping your plant food intake. A highly plant based diet will give you some of these other amazing benefits, along with being great for the waistline, of course.
These benefits include:-
- Glowing skin – and I mean seriously glowing skin. People will comment!
- Potentially lower risk of diseases, due to higher intake of antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals.
- More energy and vitality.
- Better mental health due to the higher intake of healthy fats from nuts, seeds and antioxidants.
- Better quality sleep.
- Higher fitness levels down to quicker recovery time from less inflammation.
- Less hormonal disruptions, including PMS and menopausal symptoms.
Do I Need A Protein Powder Supplement?
You will more than likely need extra protein if you are body building, doing lots of gym work or, wanting to cut fat and build muscle.
Your body will need more due to the extra demand. However, over time you will become more efficient at recycling protein, so contrary to popular belief you may be able to cut down the fitter you get.
If you are not an exerciser then you probably won’t need extra protein, just listen to and watch your body.
Last but not least, if you are wishing to lose weight, then a good quality protein supplement can help fill you up and help lower your blood sugar. Fluctuating blood sugar from eating too many refined carbohydrates can promote belly fat storage. The more you can keep those tempestuous blood sugars on an even keel, the slimmer you will be.
Plant Based Protein Shakes
A protein shake can also make for a great snack or even a meal replacement on a weight loss diet.
There are some great protein powder companies doing all kinds of amazing things these days, including adding green superfood powders, nutrients, enzymes, probiotics. They’re also making sure they are already full spectrum proteins by blending different types of amino acids together.
This can make protein supplements them a meal in themselves, especially if you blend them with a banana or an avocado. Just remember to listen to and watch your body as we are all different and have different needs.
Great post! I have been rethinking how much protein I eat as well as the quality of it.
I thought about getting some protein powder but so many of them contain casein as well as whey and I just cannot do casein. I also have limited access to products because of where I live.
Have you tried the Nutvia Hemp protein powder? Do you know what kind of fiber they use in it?
Hi Irma, it’s always good to take care with the types of protein you eat, and to definitely mix it up as much as possible. I don’t know whether you are a plant based eater or you eat meat, but either way it’s best to go for organic produce to lower the risk of pesticides and other contaminants.
When it come to protein powder supplements, my advice would be to go for plant based versions every time. They are just less acid forming and they do not contain casein, so you won’t have to worry in that department.
The hemp protein you are speaking about is 90% soluble and 10% insoluble fiber; plus it is a ‘complete’ protein alone that also contains lots of nutrients and omega 3 fatty acids. You could, however, go for a plant based blend where you will get a mix of lots of different amino acids. Like I said before, it’s always good to mix it up.
I couple years ago I started weight training. Now, I am starting again.
I have been researching the importance of BCAA and protein so this article is right on point for me. Your page has most of the information that I am looking for. Thanks for sharing your articles!
Hi Melissa,
Fantastic you are going to start weight training again. That means you will need to definitely be vigilant about protein intake. A good protein powder supplement will help you there, along with high protein foods.
Hi Stefanie
This is such an interesting post. We see a lot about vitamins and minerals but not much about amino acids and how to combine them. I eat a mainly plant based diet too and feel fantastic on it. There is always a little niggle going on in the back if my mind wondering if I am getting everything I need so it’s reassuring to read articles like this.
Keep up the great work I’ll visit again x
Hi Deb, that’s awesome you’re a plant based eater too. So many people are now and that’s great! But I see time and time again people not understanding how to do it correctly and combine their foods properly, which is why I decided to write this post.
I am glad you found it useful, and with you luck on your plant based journey.
I find your blog encouraging as I was very successful eating a plant-based diet a few years ago. When life got busy, I slipped back into my old “default” mode. I often feel that I should cut out the meat again and eat more beans, but that’s such a struggle for me. Most of the time I prepare food just for myself and a whole can of beans is too much for me to eat by myself. I see by your list that I am probably getting plenty of protein from other foods I eat. I love the complete amino acid profile meal and snack examples. That will be a helpful resource for me. I’ll print it out and stick in on the fridge. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Theresa, yes, it is so easy to slip back into default mode as its a life long conditioned pattern that can be REALLY hard to break.
It took me 3 attempts before things finally clicked into place for good for me, and I am at the point now where I can honestly say I don’t miss animal products at all.
I think for you, as you have done it before, it will be much easier to get back into. You will find it easier because the world is my set up for plant based and vegan eaters these days. All supermarkets and most restaurant, even fast food chains, offer vegan options.
Good Luck, and you will find some great resources on my website if you need any further help.
Hi Stefanie
I am mostly plant based and also an athlete. There were times when I did struggle to keep my muscle mass due to low daily protein. I have found your article very informative and there are not many websites explaining amino acids to plant based eaters. It contains great sum of information.
Many thanks!
Hi Rebeka, that’s why I decided to write this post due to lack of information out there! The world is turning to the the plant based diet more and more, especially in the event of global warming ect so people really need to understand how to make this transformation healthily so they don’t miss out on vital nutrients and amino acids.
I completely understand what you mean about losing muscle mass after going plant based and still doing lots of exercise as this exact same thing happened to me a couple of years ago and I wasn’t expecting it.
I now understand that is was a mix of A. My body was not use to utilising plant proteins efficiently, but over time it has learnt to do so through lack of choice, and B. I had a lack of understanding about plant proteins and simply wasn’t getting enough to hit my requirements considering my exercise regime. I have now amended that through studying nutrition, and I also use full spectrum plant based amino acid protein powders on training days.
There are some fantastic products available these days, please check out what I mean by that here. Best 13 Plant Based Protein Powders of 2019
Yaasss! How lucky I was to just find this post as I scrolled through your site. You will see on another of your post, I just asked a question in my comments about amino’s. (Thank you, Universe!!) Thanks so much, Stephanie, for this info!
Hi Shellie, the universe is great indeed huh? Always sending us the right information at the right time!
I m glad you have found the information you are looking for and I hope it helps you with your diet. I f you have any other questions then feel free to contact me. I have set my website up in such a way that it if you look through you should find all the answers you need on how to live a plant based lifestyle healthily and happily.
Thank you for the article, Stefanie. There’s a lot of good information there. Six months ago, I was working out daily and getting at least half of my protein through shakes that I mixed from a bottle. However, after a few months, my stomach revolted against the whey and my workouts had to cease. Would you have any advice on alternatives or how I could continue to use whey but avoid the sickness? Thank you
Hi Joseph, the thing about whey protein is it’s not natural to eat such concentrated amounts like you would get it a whey protein powder. Many of us just don’t have the enzymes to break down dairy, or not enough to break down large amounts. Usually, taking in too much can lead to chronic inflammation in the body, which in turn may lead to other long term problems if not addressed.
My advice, if you must have whey protein then at least minimise it by using half whey and half plant based protein. There are SO many fantastic plant based blends out there that offer a full amino acid profile, so you don’t have to worry about that. Plus, they are just do much cleaner and healthier in general.
Hello Stefanie,
You have awesome content and very informative. I used to buy ready-made protein for my workout and I found a great article about amino acids and its benefits to our body.
Thanks Hadrian, yes amino acids are very important, especially when you’re not eating animal products and training at the same time. In these cases, always be sure to supplement with a good quality plant based protein powder.
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