Pomegranates are a delicious fruit whose seeds resemble little red jewels. They look and taste great when used in the cooking of exotic dishes, or sprinkled liberally onto salads.
This high antioxidant superfood has a whopping 100+ phytochemicals and has been used medicinally for thousands of years.
These 16 pomegranate health benefits will prove just what a powerful punch this gorgeous looking, antioxidant rich superfood contains. Especially so when it comes to boosting health, vitality and even anti aging to help keep wrinkles at bay.
1. Antioxidants
Antioxidants in general are fundamental to good health and need to be consumed in abundance if you want to feel amazing from the inside out.
Pomegranates are bursting with the antioxidants that are so good for every aspect of your health and vitality. It’s all due to the phenols that give them their stunning bright red colour. In fact, their true antioxidant value is 3 times HIGHER than that of green tea and red wine.
You should make it your mission, if you want to accomplish a truly healthful lifestyle, to incorporate as many antioxidant rich foods of all kinds to your diet daily. This will give you a full array of phytochemicals, antioxidants and nutrients.
Variety is the spice of life, and a rainbow of different coloured fruits and vegetables will ensure you cover all nutritional bases.
2. Anti-Inflammatory
Chronic inflammation is now said to be the root cause of certain diseases because it induces oxidative stress. This inflammation can be due to a variety of factors including a poor diet full of highly acidic foods. Also, alcohol, smoking and some things that are out of your control, such as the environmental toxins found in heavy industry, exhaust fumes, pesticides and fertilisers.
Anti-inflammatory foods like those found in abundance on the plant based diet can help alleviate chronic inflammation. This includes the amazing pomegranate thats high antioxidant content can help prevent the damage caused by this oxidative stress in the first place.
3. Endurance During Exercise
Pomegranates most definitely deserve the same reputation as beetroot juice when it comes to their ability to boost physical performance.
This boost is due to their super high antioxidant capacity that can help reduce muscle soreness during AND after exercise.
Beetroot can also fasten recovery time, and reduce the aging nightmare that is oxidative stress which is induced in the body during stressful and taxing exercise. NOT that exercise is bad, it’s not. It’s vital to health, but it does produce free-radicals in the body. This is why you need to make sure you are eating lots of high antioxidant rich foods if you work out a lot. And, most definitely if you’re an athlete.
4. High Nutrient Content
A great source of nourishing nutrients, pomegranates help keep you healthy from the inside out. They are high in not only vitamin C, but also vitamins K and E (Vitamin E is another antioxidant vitamin), folate and potassium. This makes them one of nature’s healthiest natural multivitamins, alongside a healthy diet.
5. Anti Aging
Pomegranates have great benefits for skin. That’s again down to those powerful antioxidants that lie within the phenols of its ruby red colour.
In fact, you have probably seen pomegranate extract being highlighted as the active ingredient in some anti aging creams and potions for these very reasons. Those fabulous antioxidants can help delay the signs of aging, reduce wrinkles and give your skin a youthful, beautiful glow.
6. Very High In Vitamin C
Just one Pomegranate contains over 40% of your daily vitamin C requirements. Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant that is needed in the body for a strong immune system, repair of connective tissue and blood vessels, skin anti aging and cardiovascular health, among many other things.
It’s always good to get your vitamin C from natural sources where possible because this will boost bio availability in the body. The body, clever machine that it is, absorbs nutrients far better from whole food products left in their natural state because this is what it was designed to break down.
Pomegranate juice benefits:-
If you are drinking pre-made pomegranate fruit juices to get your vitamin C, then you will need to be sure that you either squeeze the fruit yourself or buy only freshly squeezed and cold pressed products.
Much of a juice’s vitamin C content will be lost in the pasteurization process and most supermarket juices have been through this so they will be lacking in this department.
7. Arthiritis
The flavenols in pomegranates can help block the inflammation that contributes to cartilage damage and osteoarthritis. Some studies have shown that pomegranates can help ease arthritis and joint inflammation. This means adding pomegranate to your diet may actually help aid motility.
8. Anti Viral
As well as high amounts of vitamin C, pomegranates also contain the immune boosting antioxidant vitamin E. These work in harmony together to help ward off and fight infections and illnesses.
9. May Help Lower Risk Of Heart Disease
As one of the biggest killers of our times, heart disease takes centre stage. But, daily pomegranate juice may help protect both the heart and the arteries (alongside a healthy diet and exercise plan of course). Studies show pomegranate can help improve blood flow to the heart and help stop arteries from becoming thick and stiff (a precursor to heart disease).
The pomegranate’s high antioxidant content can also help bad cholesterol from accumulating in the first place. But, it’s probably best (especially if you have family history of heart disease) to get in there early and start drinking it now for potential protection.
11. Possible Anti Cancer
Recent research (though still in the preliminary stages) has discovered that pomegranate may hinder the growth of prostate cancer.
Multiple studies are now being done to investigate this further, but results so far are encouraging and should be taken into consideration.
If you do happen to be at high risk of prostate or breast cancer, then adding pomegranate to your diet can only be of help, especially considering the evidence so far.
Pomegranate juice may also help fight pre-existing cancer cells, due to it being so high in antioxidants.
12. Anemia
Pomegranate encourages healthy blood flow in the body. It will also offer iron to the blood, thus reducing the anemia symptoms of tiredness, weakness and dizziness, whilst also boosting energy levels.
13. Diabetes
Although pomegranates are high in fruit sugars, they are not ‘free sugars’ as they are attached to its unique phenolic antioxidants. At 6oz of juice per day, studies have shown that pomegranate juice did not raise blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetics. This is a rare thing to find in fruit juices that have had their fibre removed.
However, do remember that pomegranate juice is high in calories! You should obviously be add it against your daily allowance if you don’t want to gain weight.
When consumed in moderation, pomegranates may help to lower blood sugar. They have been used for a long time by Ayurvedic practitioners to help diabetes, but of course, this needs to be alongside a healthy low GI diet as well.
Always consult your Doctor if you think you have diabetes. This is a serious condition that needs Medical help.
14. Digestion
Pomegranates can help digestion by relieving and reducing the inflammation of the gut caused by Crohns, ulcerative colitis and other inflammatory bowel diseases.
However, it is recommended by most Doctors to steer clear of pomegranate if you are already suffering from a bout of diarrhea as it could make it temporarily worse.
15. Fertility
As the pomegranate’s powerful antioxidant content has such a high impact on oxidative stress (which lowers fertility in women and can cause sperm dysfunction in men), it makes it a great aid for boosting fertility.
Pomegranate can also boost testosterone in both men and women. It can heightens sex drive and makes chances of conceiving even higher.
16. Dental Plaque
Due once again to its anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, pomegranate can reduce the inflammation caused by dental plaque. It may also offer protection against some other oral diseases.
Should I drink the juice or eat the whole pomegranate?
Be sure to always either eat the fresh pomegranate whole, or buy only the pure juice with ‘No Added Sugars’.
Also, be sure to read labels as there are lots of ‘juice drinks’ on the market that only contain a very small percentage of actual pomegranate juice. These are definitely NOT the same and will actually be harmful to health due to excess refined sugars, flavourings and additives.
Eating the whole fruit is a delicious way to get more pomegranate into your life, either alone as a snack or added to meals and salads.
It’s a good idea to eat the seeds as they add roughage and lower the glycemic index further.
How to eat a pomegranate
You can either cut your pomegranate into quarters and munch them straight out of their skin, eating pips and all.
Or, you can de-jewel them as in the video shown below and add them raw to salads, onto homemade high protein muesli or breakfast porridge, into smoothie bowls, savoury couscous, use as a splash of colour on deserts or add into drinks and cocktails.
Pomegranate contraindications
Pomegranate juice, for the most part, is a wonderful and safe drink to consume.
However, some evidence suggest that it may interact with certain kinds of prescription drugs such as warfarin and some drugs that treat high blood pressure and cholesterol.
If you are taking any of these then you should check with your Doctor first before drinking pomegranate juice on a regular basis.
This is pretty awesome information you got here.
I have ate maybe 2 pomegranates in my life, and one was here recently.
They are a bit of a hassle to prepare, but knowing all these benefits I should be more motivated to include these into my diet! It’s definitely worth it.
I would like to reference this page on my website sometime as I plan on using pomegrantes on my food lists.
Thank you.
Hi Brandon, well I’m glad you have had a more recent taste of pomegranates as they really are delicious, especially if you get a good one. Sometimes they taste better than others, I think this depends on where they have come from and the season etc. At this time of year in Britain they seem to be available in the supermarkets at their cheapest and best so I’m in pomegranate heaven at the moment (much to my boyfriends dismay because I make such a mess with them and they satin ha ha).
Yes. they can be a hassle to prepare unfortunately, but there are easy ways in which to do this. You should check out the YouTube video at the bottom of the post itself and you will see it can be pretty simple.
Hi Stefanie,
I grew up eating Pomegranates and love them. I didn’t know they had been used medicinally for that long, it’s fantastic. I already knew they were antioxidants.
Reading your article has educated me on so much more along with watching the video, another method to peel them!
Hi Patsy, yes I grew up with pomegranates too, but as kid I didn’t really like them with all those hard seeds I thought they were such a pain to eat. Well now I love them and probably eat one every day, which prompted me to do this post. In my research I found out that they have all these amazing other benefits that I was unaware of which was quite mind blowing. So, I’m definitely keeping up my pomegranate a day habit ha ha. I’m glad you enjoy them too!
It’s so true that chronic inflammation is the root cause of many diseases and illnesses. So many people are unaware of this and thus do nothing to target the cause of the inflamation.
The American diet is full of highly acidic foods which contributes to the epidemic of inflammation. So many people are unaware that what they’re stuffing in their mouths is actually killing them.
Pomegranates are an example of an anti-inflammatory, plant -based food that can help get the body in an alkaline state, which in turn contributes to good health. But really, how many Americans know the difference between alkilinity and acidity as it relates to their overall health?
Great post…
Hi Howard, thank you for your comment. I’m sorry it took me so long to reply but for some reason it ended up in my spam box. Really weird, and only pure chance that I saw it.
Anyways, you are just so right about the American diet, and the British one for that matter as we are just as bad over here. In fact we are the second leading country in the world for obesity…the US is first. Where did it all go so wrong hey? Also, the sad thing is, many other countries are now following suit with the standard American diet, and a lot of it can be blamed on worldwide fast food chains. I don’t need to name them I’m sure.
Luckily, the internet is doing us a favour in a way because the information about health and how food is killing us it at our fingertips. I can only hope that it makes a difference in time as more and more people want to help themselves.
The plant based diet is really taking off here in the UK with predictions of Veganism becoming mainstream in 2018, so as you can imagine this has got me rather exited in terms of my website. Fingers crossed!
Hi Stefanie. Thank you for this information about pomegranates, which we love in our family. I’m so glad to find out that it has so many health benefits and will be stocking up a few more after reading this.
One question: do you have any other way to eat them other than raw putting the seeds in a salad? I’d love to have a few more options.
Thank you. Gail
Hi Gail, yes I’m a total sucker for pomegranates too! I have one every day but I usually just eat as it is so I don’t have a big repertoire of recipes. However I did just have a quick scout on the internet and found a website that has quite a few interesting things you can make with them. Hope this helps.
Great article! I loooove pomegranates. Anyone interested in this stuff should definitely check out the book Everyday Roots. It teaches you how to replace all the toxic chemicals in your life with healthy organic alternatives. Its completely changed my life and how I feel everyday!
Keep up the great content!
Hi Jamie, thanks for your comment, I know pomegranates are awesome! And I will take a look at your review but I have taken the link off as I don’t want other peoples links in my comment thread simply because I have had a nightmare with it in the past, as in 404 errors etc. Sorry, but do appreciate your comment. Have a great day!
They also can boost your metabolism and aid in weight loss. Plus they just taste great!
Hi Nancy,hey that’s great you’ve given me another benefit to add to the list, and what a great one it is too. That’s brilliant because I also do a lot of posts on weight loss foods and I didn’t come across pomegranates for that reason yet. Cool!
Absolutely love poms, I dry them and add them to some of my tea blends for many of the reasons listed above. Yumm keep up the good work!!
Hi Susan, wow that sounds delicious, pomegranate tea literally made from scratch. I’m definitely going to try this one as it gives me some pomegranate variety. I usually just eat them straight out of the skin fresh, but have been looking for some new ideas and ways to eat them. Thanks for the tip!
Dear Stefanie
My toddlers really love eating pomegranate and I am really pleased that they have chosen their favorite fruit so wisely! Much less can be said of me, since I am not too keen on it even though I do try it from time to time. Now, after reading your posts, I shall be making a renewed effort and plan to stick to it!
It is just amazing the amount of goodness in one fruit!
Hi Alenka, that’s great that your toddlers love pomegranates, I’d be really happy about that as I’m sure they will go along way to keeping them super healthy! They really are at their best when you can get hold of the really dark red coloured ones as the flavour is much more intense. I guess we can say that about most fruit really as it’s not all created equal. Buying them in season helps though! Thanks for reading.
Hi Stefanie,
I have always been the type of person who’d try a natural alternative over pharmaceutical drug when possible, and now I may have to make pomegranate a part of my diet. The only time I remember having fresh pomegranate was in a salad, but after reading the many benefits it has for the human body, I’m thinking of what stores around me sell them fresh.
Thank you for the informative post.
Hi there, yes I’m definitely all for the natural alternatives too! In fact, I work in a herbal apothecary so I know all about them and have seen some amazing things due to people taking the natural route for their health. Pomegranates are just brimming with nutrients, and honestly I was surprised myself when I researched for this article and realised they were even better than I thought.
I’ve just been out and bought myself a box full as I now intend on eating one every day.
Hi and thanks for sharing these interesting facts about the Pomegranate Health Benefits.
We have a few plants here on our grounds but I don’t known too much about their health benefits.
I will now take much better care of the bushes from now on.
I really like to eat the ripe fruits, they are juicy and sweet.
Hi Stefan, yes pomegranates are my favorite fruit these days, so good when you get a really nice dark red, ripe one. In fact, there is nothing better than ripe fruit, they all taste good. You take care of those fruit bushes as they have been put there for you to eat by mother nature ha ha.
Thanks Becky, I’m glad you’ve found the post interesting, and thanks for commenting.
Yes, I have one of these every day. It’s my evening treat and keeps me way from the chocolate. I’m glad you enjoyed the article, they really are a nutritious sweet fruit that really hit the spot, especially if you a having sugar cravings. Yummy!
Believe it or not, it was only relatively recently I discovered you eat the seeds. Growing up, I would basically suck all the pulp off the seeds but assumed the seeds were inedible.
People think pomegranates are a pain to eat now, imagine sucking the pulp off hundreds of seeds!
Anyway, we got a pomegranate not long ago, and now that I know how to eat them, well, for me, it’s a comparative breeze.
I’m glad I came across this piece because I’ve truly been meaning to start eating pomegranates a little more regularly. I’ve got to broaden my fruit horizons beyond blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. (Notice a pattern?)
And I would be remiss if I didn’t highlight the gut health benefits you already mentioned. Pomegranates play well with the flora in your gut helping to reduce inflammation and increase the integrity of your gut barrier.
Truly, an all-around superstar.
Hi Jon,
Yes, they are great for gut health too! Which I know you know all about. The thing with eating the seeds is they can be tough in older, bigger pomegranates, and sometimes even unpalatable. On these occasions I do indeed spit them out too, which isn’t nice and makes them a pain to consume.
I guess the juice is a good way forward as you only need a little because it is so concentrated, and it’s delicious.
Wow! I knew that there were some health benefits to pomegranates but I didn’t know that they were good for osteoarthritis, which I have, and Alzheimer Disease which I am hoping to avoid. I never tried eating right out of the skin, but that sure makes them sound “appealing”.
Hi Theresa, I’m sorry to hear you have osteoarthritis, I know that can be a debilitating disease. You should definitely give pomegranate juice a go as it could be of help to you, you have nothing to lose by trying it anyway huh?
Another thing that may help take down your inflammation is turmeric. You should definitely try the paste, which there is a link to in the article.
Hi Stephanie,
I love the article and I plan on incorporating these into my diet if I can find a palatable way to do so. You write very well in that you kept it interesting, you made it easy to understand and it was so educational.
If you can keep creating sites like this, you will surely be very successful in WA.
Best Regards,
Thanks Richard, that’s a great boost to me when I hear people say things like that. It’s always good to know you’re not boring people ha ha.
I take it you don’t like pomegranate then? You may be better just drinking the pure juice as you would only need a very small amount per day, maybe 150ml, as it is very concentrated.
I am learning more and more about inflammation and its effects on the body. I think I will try a pomegranate in a juice. Just easier to go down. This was very informative and helpful. Thank you.
Yes, chronic inflammation is not good on a long term basis. The fact that pomegranate is so effective against this makes it such a great addition to your diet, especially if you don’t always have time to eat as healthily as you would like.
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